
Earth Paintings

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“The earth paintings series use ephemeral materials of stones and soil mixed with oil paint. Each piece is specific to a landscape, and to a memory of time and place.”
–Nancy Tieken Lopez

Nancy's love of the outdoors, love of dirt, and love of fresh water was nurtured early on while growing up in Texas’ hill country. The neighboring Guadalupe and Comal Rivers provided hours of fun for Nancy growing up in New Braunfels, Texas. Her mother, a biology teacher, poet and environmentalist, taught her children to appreciate and respect nature.  Looking back, Nancy realizes that her earliest creative experiences occurred in musical gatherings at her parents house or camping by a river. Nancy's father was an education and music director, and music is what brought their family and friends together. The blending of music, poetry, and nature continue to bring inspiration to Tieken Lopez's artwork.

The peace symbol painting titled Creating a Dream was inspired by the song of the same title by Xavier Rudd. Rudd’s song “Full Circle” also inspired the  virtual art hike film titled Full Circle in 2020.

The blue-green ring painting with white and grey stones is titled Memories of Green. It was inspired by the Blade Runner original film soundtrack performed by Vangelis.

While viewing the paintings, listen to the selected music for a deeper connection of the artwork with color, imagery and rhythms.
-Nancy Tieken Lopez

Earth Paintings Series II

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2000-2004 Vista Gallery, Tahoe Vista, CA earth painting and bronze sculpture
2017 Riverside Studios’ art show “Every Day is a Journey” featuring art in nature with paintings and sculpture inspired by the art hikes.

The color and texture of the soil is incorporated with oils into the canvas to create a visual memory of place.

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